Goals for January through April.

Well this is my last semester in art school. I have a big performative project that I am working on. For the purpose of my independent study I will be constructing 2 nice costumes and a few artifacts. The costumes are kind of elaborate so I'm going to break each one down into parts, so I can blog about their creation. Later I will update this blog post with links the working posts. With out further ado...

click to see larger viewThe Glamazon Costume
-Wig with Battle Tiarra
-Make Up Design
-Bird Bra
The Bear Costume
-Bear Mask
-Hairs Sleeves
-Nipple Pastes
-Underwear with Tail and Penis.
-Bear Feet

click to see larger view

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


A big beautiful book put out by Taschen.
It high lights the history of the circus and provides some nice pictures of performers and perhaps more importantly vintage promotional artwork.

What struck me right away as how the costuming of circus performers clearly informed the the creation of superheroes and wrestling, two things I've been intereste in for a long time. All three have an awesome sense of physicality and spectacle I love.

Second, I've been interested lately in the Strong Woman persona and both conceptually and sexually . I like the concept of gender-fucking the strong man image. Just as I seem engaged by taking the perceived aesthetic female beauty standards and applying them to males. I like when I see this macho physicality performed by women.

Physically these women are really interesting. Unlike contemporary body builders who fast approaching competitions to attains muscle definitions, these old timey body builders maintain a good ammoung of bulk too them. Which, is nice.

As a transgendered person, I relate to these strong women, both as an person to cherish and maybe personify myself. My masculine features are pretty dominate, so maybe I fit in physically with these types of women, and they provide a strong physical image to give me moral strength.

BEARS! I have been thinking about bears for a couple of years. I haven't really gotten into explaining how this project relates to bears yet, but I will go into that in further posts. I don't have much to say about these images. But I do find the bizare tagline on this first bear poster to be mind boggling.

"Nature's Real Comedians..." (Enslaved and cruelly trained to perform fro your delight.)

Wow. Some explanation is in order.

A few more awkward bear pictures. I guess I would like to point out clearly that I dislike the mistreatment of animals in the circus. Cats ad dogs in sweaters, is funny. Bears in dresses... doped up tigers... confined elephants... not funny.

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